Thursday, February 28, 2013

Pop Quiz

1. The first person to spill food on themselves on the plane was...

2. The fastest person to spill food on themselves on the plane was...

3. The first person to spill beverage on someone else on the plane was...

and finally, 4. It was _____ hours into the 14 hour flight by the time all three of these events had happened...

(Here's a hint.)

Answer key:
1. That would be me. We bought mini pizzas at O'Hare (because it's not a visit to Chicago without deep dish pizza) and brought them on the plane. I held off as long as I could, but that was only maybe five minutes after take off. Halfway through the second slice I had pizza sauce strategically placed on my shirt and right pants leg.

2. Winner of fastest (or most efficient) spiller goes to Emily, who waited longer into the flight to start her pizza, but had spilled within three bites. 

3. Beverage spiller: Mom. Beverage spillee: Beth (bonus points if you got both right!). Lunch was served and Dorothy paired her meal with RED WINE, of which she spilled at least half of the cute little bottle they serve it in all over my left leg. Between my spill and mom's, my pants now smell like a drunk Italian. Good thing I'd only planned on wearing them four more times this trip. 

And woe to the blanket that had sat upon my lap. That really bore the brunt of the wine. 

4. It was less than two hours into the 14 hour flight by the time all three of these events had happened.  Less than two. If you squint at the little plane on the map, you'll notice we've just entered Canadian airspace. 

Tally up your scores class. How did you do?

Away we go!

T minus 4 hours

So a few minutes ago I tried to check in for the flight online, and they wouldn't let me print a boarding pass because the airlines representatives need to see my visa beforehand in person.  This just got real people.

Our flight from Minneapolis to Chicago leaves in 4 hours.  The Mantz Limousine Company (thank you Kaarin!!!) will be at our doorstep shortly to whisk us off to the airport.  I'm packed, freshly showered, and the iPod is fully charged.  Could it be that I'm actually prepared?

I'll try my best to keep this updated while we're gone, but I don't know how regularly, if at all, I'll be able to post.  The expression I keep reading about is "the great firewall of China".  From what I understand, the Communists aren't too big on personal expression.  So keep checking back, and hopefully there will be some fun stories and pictures for you to enjoy.  At the very least, I'll get a recap up after we return.

Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers!  See you in a few weeks!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


The packing has commenced. 

Em and I procrastinated as long as we could, but we leave in a day and a half, so...I guess it's time. 

Highlight of the night? Emily wandering around muttering about pants.  Apparently she was missing a pair.  And then she didn't quite accuse me of taking her pants- but mostly accused me of taking her pants.

I invited her to look in my room- I have nothing to hide. And from the next room over, I suddenly heard "¿Pantalones? ... ¿Pantalones? ..."

Now when we were little, and we couldn't find something, Mom used to say "Call for it, maybe it will jump out at you."  And the thing is, it works. You'd be surprised at how effective this actually is. So it's not unusual to roam the house, calling for an inanimate object.  But what is unusual is for Emily to use the Español.  Emily, who went to the crazy German school.  Emily, who despite considerable practice, can't remember the difference between the Spanish words for green and Thursday.  Emily, whose favorite Spanish word is in fact espátula- which loosely translates to spatula

She eventually found the pantalones in- wait for it- her suitcase. 

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

One week to go...

We leave for China in one week.

Am I packed? No.

Have I purchased a travel lock for my suitcase? No.

Is my (empty) (unlocked) suitcase pink and fabulous? Absolutely.