Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Le Mariage

Natalie’s younger sister Lara is going to have a tough act to follow when she plans her wedding, as Natalie’s wedding really could not have been more perfect.

The day started with a trip to the local salon for the bridesmaids to get their hair done. When Natalie asked me last month if I wanted to get my hair done too, I considered the expense, but then also considered that I wouldn’t have a curling iron or possibly even a hair drier with me, and the hair appointment seemed like a pretty wise idea.  

Brilliant idea, actually, I looooooved the way my hair turned out.

The three women working at the salon were extremely talented and worked quickly, despite the language barriers. Natalie and one of the bridesmaids, Anjuli, were able to provide some translation, but for the most part hand gestures and head nods seem to do the trick.  The stylists got quite a kick out of all of us too. When bridesmaid Jessie took out the bottle of champagne and started mixing it with raspberry sorbet, one of them smiled and said (in French) “little early in the morning to be drinking, no?”. Anjuli heard her and commented that of course it wasn't, this was a wedding! Then she asked what French bridesmaids do, and the woman explained that in France, they don’t have bridesmaids. The bride might have a few little girls stand up with her, but otherwise, the wedding isn’t that big of a deal. She doesn’t even usually get her hair done for it, and she certainly doesn’t have an entourage of 7 more women getting their hair done as well. Anjuli told her that in America, it’s like a long party all day long for the bride and the bridesmaids, and the stylist just shrugged and said she thought we were British.

The wedding was scheduled to start at 5, so after some lunch and relaxation time, we all got ready, and made our way to the venue. The ceremony was taking place at what was essentially a large patio outside of one of the town’s government buildings, overlooking the hillside below. It was gorgeous. I mean, like, the kind of setting that you’d see in a movie and think no way does anyone in real life ever get married at a place like that. 

Oh, I should also mention that by this time, the weather in France had  returned to normal temperatures capable of supporting human life, so in addition to having an impossibly gorgeous setting, Natalie and Joe got an impossibly gorgeous day too.

Natalie & Joe exchanging rings under the chuppah.

Me & Natalie after the wedding- finally got to wear the black sparkly dress!!!

After the wedding there were pictures and a French tradition called a champagne toast*, and then it was time for dinner. We walked a few blocks, back to the square near where we were staying, and went to the restaurant, Sacripanti. It was a good thing those few blocks of walking were included, because we were about to partake in one of the most gluttonous meals of our lives.

Wine: white
First course: gazpacho soup- cold and refreshing, with little bits of cheese, delicious
Second course: salad**
Bread: of course there was bread, it’s France, there’s always bread
Wine: switched here to red
Main course: candied duck leg- prepared like roasted chicken but even more tasty; potato something- incredible, could have licked plate; green beans- is important to have vegetables; mixed mushrooms- tasty but was starting to get full
Um…next course: fruit salad- blackberries (yum), strawberries (yum), blueberries (skipped those), and unknown small red berries that looked like big pomegranate seeds, but lighter red in color and very tart (yum)
Cheese plate: of course there was a cheese plate, it’s France, there’s always a cheese plate
Dessert: macarons cake with sparklers on top- see below
Bonus Dessert: variety of tarts, I selected some sort of custard variety  and it was phenomenal

Natalie & Joe’s wedding “cake” was six tiers of brightly-colored macarons, topped with three giant sparklers, that, when the restaurant dimmed the lights and delivered it to the bride and groom, really brought the house down.

The meal lasted 4 and a half delicious hours.

Following dinner, the party moved out to the square so the dancing could begin. Neither Natalie nor Joe fell off their chairs when they were lifted up for the chair dance, though Natalie’s grandma did get a little carried away during the Hava and crashed into one of the barricades***.

I don’t recall what song Natalie & Joe are dancing here to for their first dance, but I definitely know what song Natalie used for her father-daughter dance. Bonus points if you can guess too. Marea- I know you can get this one.

The day and the night were both magical, and at several points I found myself saying, “I can’t believe this is real.” It was such an honor to get to celebrate with Natalie, and I hope she enjoyed the day as much as I and all of the other guests did.

Good luck Lara.

*Exactly what it sounds like.
**Honestly don’t really remember much about this course.

***She is the coolest Grandma ever, just brushed it off and was totally fine.

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