Sunday, September 9, 2018


Sorry if you were expecting more mildly amusing tales of travel and adventure*.

This is a bear blog now.  All bears**, all the time.

Today was such a great day.  We saw 9 different bears!  Well actually, we saw 12 different bears, but I was only able to photograph 9 of them.  Please allow me to introduce you to my new buddies.

Bears 1 & 2. These are grizzly bears! I don't know if they are friends but they didn't appear to be rivals.
Bear 3. I know it looks a lot like Bears 1 & 2, but I promise it is a separate bear.  
Bear 4, swimming.
Still Bear 4, crawling out of the lake.
Bear 4 with Bears 5 & 6- cubs!!!
And another one! Gah, how cute is Bear 7?!?!
I thought at first that Bears 4-7 were grizzlies too, but this closer look at Mama Bear in profile shows that they are in fact black bears.
Finally, Bears 8 & 9. Can you spot them, like Eagle-Eye Emily did?
There they are! Hi guys!
Bears 8 & 9 were also black bears, and BIG black bears at that.
Bears 10, 11 & 12 were sort of nearby Bears 8 & 9, but I wasn't able to get any pictures of them (shakes fist and mumbles "that meddling Park Ranger" under my breath...).

All bears were sadly much too far away to hug, but I know they felt my love.

*Were you though? Were you really?

**Not Chicago Bears.

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