Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Dam Area Tour

On Tuesday we visited the Three Gorges Dam Area. The Three Gorges Dam was completed in 2009, but was planned and under construction for something like 20 years leading up to that. The dam was built to protect downriver towns from seasonal flooding, as well as to provide hydroelectric power for the country. However, in creating the dam, many of the upriver towns were purposely flooded, and the millions of residents had to be relocated to new towns built on higher ground.  The water level raised in some places from 6-9 feet deep to more than 165 meters deep.

So we got some dam tickets to go on a dam tour, of the whole dam site. Our dam tour guide was named Cherry.

Here are the dam locks...

...and the dam model...

...and the dam rear end.

In addition to touring the dam, we got to use the dam bathrooms (they did not have any dam toilet paper), and do some dam shopping (I got a dam cute bracelet).

It was a pretty dam good time.

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